These are the Game Audio related and otherwise GDC worthy events I know about. Got more? Post em up here or tweet em over to the #GameAudioGDC hash tag.
Can't wait to hear about the cool things people are doing with sound and interactive.
Looking forward to seeing you all there!
February is upon us. I love looking back at a months worth of Game Audio links and seeing patterns in the static that filters through the #gameaudio twitter hashtag. This month finds some amazing resources: from Ben Houge who accidentally unearthed a deluge of EndWar related media, fantastic synapses of the recent AES Conference from a fellow with his head firmly wrapped around the spirit of interactive, a deep dive into sound propagation inspired by a question posed by Dr. Karen Collins on the Project BBQ reflector, and some oldies but goodies dug up to help mark time in the weightless existence of winter.
Hard to believe that #GameAudioGDC is just around the corner, see you all there!
Joe Cavers write-up of the AES Games Conference in London Day 1 - Day 2