Procedural Sound is a topic that I feel has a great potential to solve some of the challenges facing game audio. Whether it's the dynamic composition of music in real-time, geometric sound propagation modeling , or harnessing already available simulations to create approximations of sound using synthesis, there exists a tremendous amount of solutions to the problems of how to make our virtual worlds more directly reactive and immersive. It's with optimism that I set upon trying to raise awareness of some of these techniques and technologies available outside the confines of console specific runtimes. It's my hope that by looking outside of our industry we can catch a glimpse of the future for game audio, and set our sights on some new ways to provide engaging, dynamically reactive, and emotionally resonating interactive sound.
In a companion article entitled "Procedural Sound Now!" at as part of the Audio Implementation Greats series, I've made a case for a return to the formative years of game audio with an eye towards new developments in synthesis and procedural. The article wraps with a QA with three audio professionals working with procedural sound in some capacity.
This post is an attempt to round up the cadre of links I was able to unearth in relation to the article. You'll get a bit of sound modeling, some procedural, a bit of music, white papers, and research materials. Keep an eye on this space over time, as I hope to keep adding to this list as a resource for people who are interested in new developments and articles. Please send along any further suggestions or post below in the comments section.
Additionally we have released Game Audio Podcast Episode 4: Procedural Game Audio - Head over and subscribe via iTunes and give it a listen!
It's taken the help of many dedicated sound professionals to bring to light and assemble the different pieces of the puzzle. My deepest thanks and gratitude go to: Anton Woldhek, Karen Collins, Andy Farnell, David Thall, Mads Lykke, Francois Thibault, and all of the inspirational audio futurists pushing the envelope.
Andy Farnell:Andy Farnell: Audio, code and tutorials on synthesis
(See links section for additional jumps)
Andy Farnell: Synthetic game audio with Puredata
Andy Farnell: An Intro to Procedural Audio in Games
Andy Farnell: Designing Sound
Stefan BilbaoStefan Bilbao: Conference Proceedings
Stefan Bilbao: Numerical Sound Synthesis
Kees van den DoelKees van den Doel: Publications
Sounds of Shapes
Mark GrimshawMark Grimshaw: Publications
Game Sound Technology and Player Interaction: Concepts and Developments
Dylan Menzies:Dyland Menzies: Publications
Phya: Physical Audio for Virtual Worlds
Phya and VFoley, Physically Motivated Audio for Virtual Environments
General:Procedural Papers
Nicolas Fournell
Leonard Paul: Video Game Audio
Cosyne Synthesis Engine
USO: Generative Music: an interview with Peter Chilvers
Create a scalable and creative audio environment: middleware project PLAY ALL
Procedural Audio for Game using GAF
Master of Sound: Automatic Sound Synthesis from Fluid Simulation
FOLEYAUTOMATIC: Physically-based Sound Effects for Interactive Simulation and Animation
Audiokinetic: Sound Seed
FMOD Designer
Princeton SoundLab: Publications
Banded Waveguides and Propagation Modeling: Efficient Physical Models of Solid Objects
A Brief Overview of Physical Modeling
Perry Cook: Real Sound Synthesis for Interactive Applications
Procedural Audio in Computer Games by Mads Lykke
Sound Synthesis in Game - MuCell
Realistic Real-Time Sound Re-Synthesis and Processing for Interactive Virtual Worlds
Brian Eno with Wright on Spore and Generative Systems
Spore Anthem Creator Tutorial
Spore City Music Planner from GDC 08
Aaron Mcleran: Procedural Music for Spore
The Beat Goes on: Dynamic Music in Spore
The Generation of Procedural Generation
Liveblogging Procedual Music in Spore @ GDC08
Audio Interview with Cyril Saint Girons (Audio Engineer)
Brian Eno: Before and After Darwin
Brian Eno: Generative Music
GAMMA:Geometric Algorithms for Modeling, Motion, and Animation
GAMMA - Projects Overview: Sound Synthesis and Propagation
SIGGRAPH 2009: Interactive Sound Rendering Presentations and Proceedings
Symphony: Interactive Sound Synthesis for Large Scale Environments
Synthesizing Contact Sounds Between Textured Objects
Sounding Liquids: Automatic Sound Synthesis from Fluid Simulation
AD-Frustum: Adaptive Frustum Tracing for Interactive Sound Propagation
Efficient and Accurate Numerical Simulation of Sound Propagation
Precomputed Wave Simulation for Real-Time Sound Propagation of Dynamic Sources in Complex Scenes
Next Generation Virtual Musical Instruments Using Multi-touch Interfaces
Interactive Sound Propagation in Dynamic Scenes Using Frustum Tracing
Fast Edge-Diffraction for Sound Propagation in Complex Virtual Environments
An efficient time-domain solver for the acoustic wave equation on graphics processors
Fast Geometric Sound Propagation with Finite Edge Diffraction
RESound: Interactive Sound Rendering for Dynamic Virtual Environments
Direct-to-Indirect Acoustic Radiance Transfer
Sound Rendering for Physically Based Simulation
Rigid-Body Fracture Sound with Precomputed Soundbanks
Harmonic Shells: A Practical Nonlinear Sound Model for Near-Rigid Thin Shells
New Scientist: Virtual crashes and clatters get real
Crash, bang, rumble! Bringing noise to virtual worlds
Harmonic Fluids
Other:Fast Modal Sounds with Scalable Frequency-Domain Synthesis
Precomputed Acoustic Transfer: Output-sensitive, accurate sound generation for geometrically complex vibration sources
I hope that get's you started on the wide world of Procedural Sound and Synthesis.
If you have any additional suggestions for links to interesting materials please drop a line or comment.
Proceduraly yours,
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