Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Interview - Bay Area Sound

A picture of Jared working so fast his had is blurred!

"Writing original music begins from an essentially creative core, whereas editing source is much more about crafting together something.  It's a very right-brain/left-brain sort of contrast." - Jared Emerson-Johnson

Stories from the trenches of game audio!

"I remember many fun field recordings…. grabbing crickets for Monkey Island ambiences at night up on Mt. Tam, banging on huge metal doors at the armory out at the Hedlands (for explosion elements), wrapping an AKG C1000 mic in an extra large condom and submerging it in the ocean out at Pt. Reyes for underwater ambiences for Monkey Island. Good times." - Julian Kwasneski

The glove!

"I have always said that you can take the greatest sound in the world, implement it poorly and it will fail. Take a bad sound that is implemented well and it can be a total success. Though I prefer good sounds that are implemented well, the bottom line is that a sound designer with implementation skills is far more effective (and valuable) than someone without those skills. " - Julian Kwasneski

I'm lucky to have learned from some of the best, let's rock and roll!

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